How to create a RAMdisk
From blinkenwiki
You have to be very careful with a RAMdisk, because if you eject it, you will lose your content without warning; likewise, if you log out, you will lose its contents.
- 8388608 = 4 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://8388608`
- 16777216 = 8 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://16777216`
- 33554432 = 16 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://33554432`
- 67108864 = 32 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://67108864`
- 100663296 = 48 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://100663296`
- 134217728 = 64 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://134217728`
- 201326592 = 96 GB
- diskutil erasevolume HFS+ ramdisk `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://201326592`