Setup of Eclipse for MagicDraw development
Preparatory on macOS
- Ensure that ~/windows-shared is shared between the VMware Windows OS and macOS.
- In that directory, create subdirectories mac-workspace, windows-workspace, and projects-shared
- Also create projects-shared/magicdraw and projects-shared/smartfacts
- If setting up as if new,
rm -rf ~/.eclipse /Applications/ eclipse-workspace/.metadata ~/Library/*/org.eclipse*
(or substitute workspace to delete .metadata)
On macOS
- Open MagicDraw .dmg, drag to /Applications
- Choose ~/windows-shared/mac-workspace as workspace (and check “Use this as the default and do not ask again”)
- Open Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software...
- Choose “All Available Sites"
- Enter filter text: “eclipse sdk"
- Select “Eclipse SDK”. Do not select anything else.
- Next, Next, accept the terms, Finish
- Wait for Eclipse to finish the install, but don’t restart
- Quit
- Open /Applications/ and delete the lines referencing “smallFonts”. Start Eclipse
- In bash, cd into ~/windows-shared/projects-shared/magicdraw
- In bash, unzip /Applications/MagicDraw/openapi/ide/
- In bash, rm -rf com.nomagic.*
- In Eclipse
- File -> Import… -> Existing files into workspace
- Select root directory: ~/windows-shared/projects-shared/magicdraw
- Choose all six available projects
- Select Finish
9. In Eclipse: 1. Right-click on MAGIC_DRAW_INSTALL_DIRECTORY, select Properties 2. Click on Location Edit 3. Choose Folder, and brows to /Applications/MagicDraw 4. OK 5. Apply and Close 10. In Eclipse: 1. Double-click on MagicDraw bundles+Running 2. Click Set as Active Target Platform 3. You should now have no errors 4. You may have a few warnings; these can be ignored for now 11. In Eclipse: 1. Open Run -> Run Configurations 2. Choose OSGI Framework -> MagicDraw with all plugins 3. Run 12. In Eclipse: 1. Select com.nomagic.magicdraw.integration* projects 2. Choose Delete 3. Yes, delete on-disk contents too 13. In Eclipse: 1. Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts -> Text Font -> Edit: set to 13 or 14 point. Apply. 2. Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Keys