How to create an encrypted RAID CoreStorage volume in macOS Sierra

From blinkenwiki

(Or skip step 6 for a non-encrypted volume.)

1. Get the device names (identifiers) for the disks to use:

# diskutil list

2. Create an AppleRaid device

# diskutil ar create stripe PlutoRAID jhfs+ disk97 disk98
(In Catalina, at this step, the mac will pop up a dialog asking if you want to use the new volume as a backup volume. Decline.)

3. Create a CoreStorage logical volume group

# diskutil cs create PlutoLVG PlutoRAID

4. Create a CoreStorage volume

# diskutil cs createvolume PlutoLVG jhfs+ Pluto 100%
(In Catalina, at this step, the mac will pop up a dialog asking if you want to use the new volume as a backup volume. You can choose yes, and select “Encrypt backup”)

5. (If you’re going to use the volume for Time Machine backups, go into the Preferences and add the volume as a backup now. Do not choose the “encrypt backup” option.)

6. (Optional) Encrypt the volume

# diskutil cs encryptvolume Pluto -passphrase ‘somepassphrasehere’

(From Evernote)