How to create an encrypted RAID CoreStorage volume in macOS Sierra

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(Or skip step 6 for a non-encrypted volume.)

1. Get the device names (identifiers) for the disks to use:

# diskutil list

2. Create an AppleRaid device

# diskutil ar create stripe PlutoRAID jhfs+ disk97 disk98
(In Catalina, at this step, the mac will pop up a dialog asking if you want to use the new volume as a backup volume. Decline.)

3. Create a CoreStorage logical volume group

# diskutil cs create PlutoLVG PlutoRAID

4. Create a CoreStorage volume

# diskutil cs createvolume PlutoLVG jhfs+ Pluto 100%
(In Catalina, at this step, the mac will pop up a dialog asking if you want to use the new volume as a backup volume. You can choose yes, and select “Encrypt backup”)
(If you’re going to use the volume for Time Machine backups, go into the Preferences and add the volume as a backup now. Do not choose the “encrypt backup” option.)

6. (Optional) Encrypt the volume

# diskutil cs encryptvolume Pluto -passphrase ‘somepassphrasehere’