Mac Recipes
From blinkenwiki
MBP SN: C02D901TML86, Big Cat SN: H12DQJ6LPN78, Hepcat SN: D25VH0K1J1GP
- How to get old versions of macOS:
- How to get old versions of Xcode:
- Steps to create a macOS virtual machine
- High Sierra Setup
- Removing Time Machine backup directories and other stubborn files
- Setup of Eclipse for MagicDraw development
- Restoring from Time Machine via command line
- Code Integration - Xcode and GitLab
- How to create an encrypted RAID CoreStorage volume in macOS Sierra THE OLD WAY
- Removing Time Machine backup directories and other stubborn files
- ldd in macOS
- macOS permissions model
- How to trace system calls on a Mac
- Upgrading MacPorts with port reinstallation
Mac disk stuff
- How to create a RAMdisk
- How to create a single-disk APFS volume
- How to create an encrypted RAID CoreStorage volume in macOS Sierra
- Creating a sparsebundle disk image via command line
- How to create a sparse disk image for Time Machine backups
- Create a ZFS volume for Time Machine backup
Big Sur
- Recover old Finder window titlebar style:
defaults write NSWindowSupportsAutomaticInlineTitle -bool false
- Capturing audio from special and hidden sources with Audio Hijack
General Unix Recipes
- How to set up SSH and Github for multiple authenticated accounts
- Linode stuff
- Guacamole Installation
- Setting up to run Python versions 2.7 and 3.5 via virtualenv (old)
- Keyboard setup for Raspbian
- m404 Installation Notes
UIKit/Storyboard Recipes
- Autolayout Recipe: Hugging Top, With Margins, Fixed Aspect Ratio, Maximize Size
- Autolayout Recipe: Centered, With Margins, Fixed Aspect Ratio, Maximize Size